MesosCon Seattle 2015

Mesos Networking

Simplifying Maintenance with Mesos

Spark on Mesos

Preemptive Task Scheduling in Mesos Framework

Twitter’s Production Scale: Mesos and Aurora Operations

Mesos and the Architecture of the New Datacenter

Keynote: Growing the Mesos Ecosystem

Mesos at OpenTable

Mesos at Bloomberg

How to Monitor Mesos

Closing Remarks

Mesos Fetcher Cache

Intel Lunchtime Keynote

Scaling a Highly-Available Scheduler Using the Mesos Replicated Log: Pitfalls and Lessons Learned

Keynote: State of Mesos

Apache Cotton: MySQL on Mesos

Serenity Oversubscription Demo

Save Millions by Efficient Resource Utilization Through Mesos

Keynote: State of the Mesos - Ben Hindman, Co-Creator, Apache Mesos and Founder, Mesosphere

Keynote: Enabling Microservices Frameworks to Solve Business Problems

Mesos Gets Pluggable: Introducing Mesos Modules

Centralized logging solution using ELK stack

Keynote: Cloud Trends, DevOps and Microservices

Securing your Mesos Cluster